Friday, May 13, 2011

In The Beginning!

After failing at Tumblr, I am giving my blogging experiment a second try.  I don't know what I'll ever write or if it will ever being interesting in the least, but I shall try!

This painting was done by one of my all-time favourite artists, Mary Blair.  I absolutely love her style that was so unique and so recognizable.  She's one of my inspirations in the way she used colour and shape... So lovely!
For those who don't know her, Mary Blair was one of Walt Disney's main masterminds, and she did a lot of the preliminary artwork for Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Cinderella, Song of the South, and many other productions. She definitely set the mood for illustration styles of the fifties and sixties.

1 comment:

  1. Yaya glad you made it! Love the art. Love Mary Blair. This site is good. I like it. Not as much action as Tumblr, but at the same time, I feel like there is less "you follow me I'll follow you" sorts of crap. haha
    Love you Sis.
